Click any of the links above to find a Unit Study that I've designed (and usually tried with my own kids) just for homeschool families like you! This is a work in progress, so none of the units are completely finished, but hopefully you can find something you can use with your own family!

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Ancient Times History, Week 1

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Week 1

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3



Ch. 1 “The First Nomads”

Pg. 104-105

Pg. 98-101


Archaeology (DK Eyewitness) (McIntosh, Jane)
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The First Drawing (Gerstein, Mordecai)

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Archaeological Dig:
I buried small toys & pieces of things from around the house (matchbox car, broken piece of shovel, some pasta, crayons, etc.) in the sandbox, which I had mapped out with twine into 9 grid boxes. I drew the grid boxes on the kids' graph paper and had them draw a picture of what item they found in each square of the sandbox. I encouraged them to work just like a real archaeologist & dig for objects without moving them and being careful not to break them. They loved this!
Cave Painting (AG 5-6)
We used regular kids' paints on a large paper bag and I just let them have freedom to paint whatever they wanted after looking at some pictures of cave paintings. 

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