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Human Body Week 14: Genetics & Reproductive System

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Human Body Encyclopedia pg. 42-43 (“Genes”)

Additional Reading:

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Vocabulary/ Copywork:

Genes are a set of instructions that tell my body how to work and what shape to grow. They are made up of a chemical called DNA.

Activity 1:


Activity 2:



Human Body Encyclopedia pg. 44-45 (“Babies”) & pg. 46-47 (“Growing & Changing”)
My Body pg. 17 (“My Reproductive Organs”)

Additional Reading:

Before I Was Born (God’s Design for Sex Series) (Nystrom, Carolyn)
The Wonderful Way Babies Are Made (Christenson, Larry)
It’s So Amazing!  A Book About Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies & Families (Harris, Robie)
Why Boys & Girls Are Different: For Girls [or Boys] Ages 4-6 (Greene, Carol)

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Activity 3:

My Body: Color, cut & paste the appropriate Reproductive Organs (pg. 18) onto your life size body model.

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