New Concepts:
Theme: My Family
ABC's: Letter B
Math: Introducing Triangles; Top vs. Bottom; Sorting Colors
Color: Blue
Theme Activities:
1. Read a book about families:

2. My Family Tree:
Use a camera to take a photo of everyone in your immediate family (or help child to draw each person on one small piece of paper). Draw a picture of a big tree on a piece of paper. At the top, write "LAST NAME" Family Tree. Help child to learn his/ her last name. Show child how to arrange each person onto the tree-- parents at the top and kids going down.
1. Read a book about families:

2. My Family Tree:
Use a camera to take a photo of everyone in your immediate family (or help child to draw each person on one small piece of paper). Draw a picture of a big tree on a piece of paper. At the top, write "LAST NAME" Family Tree. Help child to learn his/ her last name. Show child how to arrange each person onto the tree-- parents at the top and kids going down.
3. Family Puppets:
Color one of these family puppets for each member of your family. Glue them to craft sticks and help child to come up with a puppet show about your family.
4. Family Puzzle:
Glue a large picture of your family on a piece of cardboard, laminate and cut out into puzzle pieces for the child to put together.

Glue a large picture of your family on a piece of cardboard, laminate and cut out into puzzle pieces for the child to put together.
ABC & Handwriting Activities:
1. Tracing Circles:
Remind child of proper pencil grip. Practice drawing lines & curves in a bucket of sand with your finger. Or use shaving cream on a cookie sheet. Or just use chalk and a chalkboard. Remember to go from left to right, just like we read a book. Then, practice drawing circles.
Use this worksheet for extra tracing practice.
For fun, blow bubbles outside just like on the worksheet!
2. Alphabet Notebook:
Start an alphabet notebook just like your Shapes Notebook. Decorate an 8 1/2 x 11" piece of paper any way you choose. Each time you complete an alphabet coloring page or craft, add it to your notebook for review.
3. The Letter B Introduction:
Show a letter B Flashcard. Talk about it's shape and lines. Talk about its sound. What sound does it make? Show a collection of several items that begin with B: ball, baby, box, Band-aid. Emphasize the "b" sound at the beginning.
Using your own Foam Magnetic Letter Builders, show child how to "build" the letter B.
Stamp B's on the Butterfly (Part 1)
Include these in your Alphabet Notebook!
5. Letter B Words:
Using the Letter B/b Template, help your child to cut out Words that Begin with B from the Learning the Alphabet: Letter B Pack and paste them onto the B's. Talk about each word as you go along, emphasizing the "B" sound. Add to your Alphabet Notebook.
6. Read a book about butterflies:

7. Do a butterfly craft.
Point out that the word "butterfly" starts with the letter B! Do this fun butterfly craft together using tissue paper and Contact paper.
8. Dot Marker Fun:
Do-a-Dot Markers are a fun tool to develop hand-eye coordination and are just great for preschoolers to work with. They can be a little messy for 3-year-olds though, so if I get them out I want them to do more than one page. Here are some you can use to review all the new concepts this week:
Find the Letter B (Part 3)
Triangle, Circle & Square Dot Marker Page
9. Write letter B
Practice tracing the letter B (Part 2). At this age, I would not push making the child actually write her letters on paper. Focus on forming the lines that make up the letters, practice tracing them, and practice writing them with chalk or in salt boxes.
10. Learn about butterflies.
Get a kit like one of these where you can observe caterpillars as they change into beautiful butterflies.
1. Tracing Circles:
Remind child of proper pencil grip. Practice drawing lines & curves in a bucket of sand with your finger. Or use shaving cream on a cookie sheet. Or just use chalk and a chalkboard. Remember to go from left to right, just like we read a book. Then, practice drawing circles.
Use this worksheet for extra tracing practice.

For fun, blow bubbles outside just like on the worksheet!
2. Alphabet Notebook:
Start an alphabet notebook just like your Shapes Notebook. Decorate an 8 1/2 x 11" piece of paper any way you choose. Each time you complete an alphabet coloring page or craft, add it to your notebook for review.
3. The Letter B Introduction:

Math Activities:
1. Read a book about shapes:
2. Triangle Introduction:
Review the circle & square flashcards. Sing the songs for each shape. Then, show the Triangle Flashcard. (If you don't have any, use Big Cards provided by 3Dinosaurs.) Use the Triangle Shape Viewer to go around the room and find objects shaped like triangles. Be sure to point out the triangle has 3 sides and 3 angles.
Sing the Triangle Song:
This Is a Triangle
(to the tune of: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")
3. Triangle Coloring Page & Snack:
Work together to trace & color the triangles on the Triangle Coloring Page. Add it to your Shapes Notebook.
4. Read a book about opposites:

5. Learn top vs. bottom:
Show towers of 3 Math Blocks or linking cubes. Help child to determine which color block is on TOP and which color is on BOTTOM. Help her to make her own towers, instructing which color to put on top and which color to put on bottom.
6: Top vs. Bottom Worksheet:
Practice tracing lines from top to bottom.
7: Review the Color Blue:
I am assuming most children using this "curriculum" already know their basic colors. So most of the color activities we do will simply be review. I have, however, split the colors up over the entire year as an "introduction" to the formal learning of colors.
Color this Things that Are Blue Coloring page. Find objects around the room that are blue.
8. Color Sorting Bears:
Using 3 or 4 different colored teddy bear counters, help child sort bears by colors into the correct matching colored cup. Talk about each color's name.
9. Color Matching Game:
Do these butterfly color matching puzzles to review colors and practice putting together matches. Talk about the Uppercase "B" and the Lowercase "b"-- how they look different but still have the same sound.

2. Triangle Introduction:
Review the circle & square flashcards. Sing the songs for each shape. Then, show the Triangle Flashcard. (If you don't have any, use Big Cards provided by 3Dinosaurs.) Use the Triangle Shape Viewer to go around the room and find objects shaped like triangles. Be sure to point out the triangle has 3 sides and 3 angles.
Sing the Triangle Song:
This Is a Triangle
(to the tune of: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")
3. Triangle Coloring Page & Snack:
Work together to trace & color the triangles on the Triangle Coloring Page. Add it to your Shapes Notebook.

5. Learn top vs. bottom:
6: Top vs. Bottom Worksheet:
Practice tracing lines from top to bottom.
7: Review the Color Blue:
I am assuming most children using this "curriculum" already know their basic colors. So most of the color activities we do will simply be review. I have, however, split the colors up over the entire year as an "introduction" to the formal learning of colors.
Color this Things that Are Blue Coloring page. Find objects around the room that are blue.
8. Color Sorting Bears:
Using 3 or 4 different colored teddy bear counters, help child sort bears by colors into the correct matching colored cup. Talk about each color's name.
9. Color Matching Game:
Do these butterfly color matching puzzles to review colors and practice putting together matches. Talk about the Uppercase "B" and the Lowercase "b"-- how they look different but still have the same sound.
Materials Needed:
- camera & photo paper
- large paper for a drawing of a tree
- craft sticks
- family photo on cardstock or cardboard
- letter B flashcard
- "Triangle" Shape flashcard
- Triangle Shape Viewer
- construction paper for an Alphabet Notebook cover
- letter "B" stamp
- Do a Dot Markers
- 2 pieces of clear Contact paper (9x12") for each child
- variety of colors of tissue paper cut into 1" squares
- black construction paper
- masking tape
- Butterfly Garden Science Kit
- pretzels & marshmallows for triangle shaped snack
- Math Blocks/ Unifix cubes
- teddy bear counters
- camera & photo paper
- large paper for a drawing of a tree
- craft sticks
- family photo on cardstock or cardboard
- letter B flashcard
- "Triangle" Shape flashcard
- Triangle Shape Viewer
- construction paper for an Alphabet Notebook cover
- letter "B" stamp
- Do a Dot Markers
- 2 pieces of clear Contact paper (9x12") for each child
- variety of colors of tissue paper cut into 1" squares
- black construction paper
- masking tape
- Butterfly Garden Science Kit
- pretzels & marshmallows for triangle shaped snack
- Math Blocks/ Unifix cubes
- teddy bear counters
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