New Concepts:
Theme: Manners & FriendshipABC's: Letter D
Math: Introducing Ovals; Matching Shapes
Nursery Rhyme: "Humpty Dumpty"
Theme Activities:
1. Read a book about good manners.

2. Miss Bea Bee Puppet
What are some good manners? Help child to understand this concept. Create a "Miss Bea Bee" Puppet like the one described at this website. It could be as simple as a happy face on one side of a craft stick & a sad face on the other side. Read some of the scenarios listed and help the child determine if that would be polite (happy face) or bad manners (sad face).
3. Mini Book of Table Manners
Here is a simple Mini Coloring Book of Manners to talk about how to act at the table. Practice your manners at dinnertime. Every time someone is "caught" showing good manners, they get a star sticker!
4. Monster Manners Game
Play this Monster Manners Game for another way to encourage good manners.

5. What is a Good Friend?
Talk about the qualities of a good friend. Of course you want your friends to have good manners, but what else do you like? Encourage your child to think of one of her friends. What is it that she likes about that friend? You may have to offer some words to label what they describe. Help her come up with a list of characteristics a good friend has. Write them on a flower like the one shown below. Help her understand that in order to have friends with these qualities, she has to also do those same things. Show real-life examples of each of the qualities.

ABC & Handwriting Activities:
1. Nursery Rhyme Coloring
Every day this week read & work on memorizing "Humpty Dumpty."
Here is a great printable poster & coloring page.

2. Rhyming Matching Game
Review the Rhyming Matching Card Game you played last week. Repetition is important for learning new skills!

3. Letter D Introduction
Review letter B & C Flashcards & then introduce letter D. Use Magnetic Letter Builders to show the lines that make up the letter. Talk about the sound of "D." Go on a hunt around the room to find objects that begin with "D": dog, doll, diamond, dump truck. Emphasize the sound of "d".
4. Letter "D" Coloring Page

5. Letter D Words
Using the Letter D Template (all the way at the bottom), help your child cut out pictures of words that begin with D from the Learning the Alphabet Letter D Pack and paste them onto the D's, talking about each word as you go along. Add to your Alphabet Notebook.
6. ABC Find It! Game
Print out page 2 & 3 of the Letter D "ABC Find-It!" Game. Cut out the cards on page 3 & hide them around the room. Have child find the cards and match them to the items on page 2 as they go.

7. Read a book about dinosaurs:

8. D is for Dinosaur Craft
It's a dinosaur AND it's shaped like the letter "D"! What a fun way to help remember the sound of "D".

9. Write letter D
Practice writing "D" in shaving cream on a cookie sheet, or in a sand box. Then use one of the Practice Worksheets in Part 2 of 3 Dinosaurs' Pack to practice tracing the letter.

10. Sort B, C & D-Words
This Raising Rock Stars Preschool Curriculum has one lesson for each letter of the alphabet. Click on each of the letters B, C & D. Find a page in each that has individual cards filled with words that begin with that letter. Cut out the cards and mix all 3 sets together. Set out flashcards with the letters B, C & D on them. Help child sort the word cards based on their first letter sound.
Math Activities:
1. Oval Introduction:
Review Circle, Triangle & Rectangle. Show the Oval Flashcard. Point out how it is a little flatter or more "squished" than the circle. Use the Oval Shape Viewer to go around the room and find objects shaped like ovals, while singing the Oval Shape Song.
Oval Shape Song:
(To the tune of "Are You Sleeping?")
I see ovals
I see ovals
An egg is an oval
Jelly beans are ovals.
Ovals, ovals.
Ovals, ovals.
2. Oval Coloring Page
Add to your Shapes Notebook.

3. Shape Matching Game
Use these Shape Matching Cards to learn to recognize and match shapes. Then, print one of the One-Page Worksheets & help child draw lines between the matching shapes.

4. Dinosaur Color Matching Game
Print out this fun file folder game to review colors and practice matching similar colors.

Independent Activities:
Play-doh Fun:
Shape Play-Doh Mats
Letters B, C & D Play-Doh Mats

Sticker Fun:
Print several of the Shape Tracer pages here. Give child a page of small stickers and show him/ her how to put them all around the edges of each shape on the lines.
Materials Needed:
- 2 pieces of construction paper cut into large circles
- craft stick
- orange, yellow, green & blue construction paper for "Friendship Flower"
- Foam Letter Builders
- Oval Shape Viewer
- PlayDoh
- small stickers
- green craft foam or construction paper
- googly eyes
- scissors & glue
- Flashcards: circle, triangle, rectangle, oval, letter B, letter C, letter D, blue, brown
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