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Additional Reading

Day 1
- Begin your World Geography Lapbook! Use the World Map found here as a cover page. Talk about what a map is as you color the world. A map is a drawing of a place from above. It shows us where things are.
- Add this Maps & Globes Printable Book to your Lapbook. Today, introduce the "Globes" page. Talk about the definition of a globe. Show a real globe if you have one. Complete the activity on the Printable Book.
- Add this Maps & Globes Printable Book to your Lapbook. Today, introduce the "Globes" page. Talk about the definition of a globe. Show a real globe if you have one. Complete the activity on the Printable Book.
- Read one of the Additional Reading books.
Day 2
- Play the "Continent Hop" Game. Work each day on memorizing the 7 continents. Here is a fun song to help!
- Complete the "Continent" page of the Maps and Globes Printable Book.
- Begin "Where Do I Live?" Project. Complete "My Planet" & "My Continent" circles.
Day 3
- Complete this worksheet to practice with The Seven Continents.

- Sing the 7 Continents Song.
- Complete "Our Country" & "Our State" Circles of "Where Do I Live?" Project.
- Create your own Compass Rose craft to introduce the cardinal directions.

- Complete the "Compass Rose" portion of the Maps & Globes Printable Book.
- Practice using cardinal directions with this My Neighborhood Worksheet.

- Complete the "Compass Rose" portion of the Maps & Globes Printable Book.
- Practice using cardinal directions with this My Neighborhood Worksheet.
Day 4
- Complete "Our City" Circle of "Where Do I Live?" Project.
- Sing the 7 Continents Song.
- Optional Project: Draw a large map of your city & its buildings on a large piece of butcher paper. Talk about the buildings necessary to run a city.
- Complete the Latitude and Longitude portions of the Maps & Globes Printable Book.
Here is a fun song about Longitude & Latitude:
- Reading a Map Practice Worksheet
Day 5
- Complete "Our Street" & "Our Home" Circles on "Where Do I Live?" Project. Glue the completed project into your Lapbook.
- More Map Skills Practice with this Worksheet
- Review the 7 Continents. Add a Seven Continents Layer Book to your Lapbook. You can color in each continent as you come to it in our studies over the course of the year, but for now, just glue it in.
- Complete the "Ocean" portion of the Maps & Globes Printable Book after discussing the 4 oceans.
Day 6
- Discuss a Map "Key." A key is a list of symbols on a map. The key tells what the symbols stand for. Use this simple worksheet to practice reading a map with a key.
- Make your own suitcase for your journey around the world. (Note: The link gives directions to make a Valentine’s Day Mailbox suitcase, but you could easily make it into a “travel-the-world” suitcase.) Use it to store your passport, maps, lapbook elements, etc. as you go through the Unit Study.
- Then, make your own Printable Passport.
Add plenty of blank pages in the middle. As you visit each country this year, you will glue it’s flag into your passport and stamp the date. (It may help to show your student a real passport so he/ she understands what it is and what it is used for.)
- More practice using a Map Key.
Day 7
- More practice using a Map Key.
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