Click any of the links above to find a Unit Study that I've designed (and usually tried with my own kids) just for homeschool families like you! This is a work in progress, so none of the units are completely finished, but hopefully you can find something you can use with your own family!

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Ancient Times History, Week 5

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Week 5

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Day 3


Ch. 4 “Making Mummies”


The Egyptians: Life in Ancient Egypt (Sonneborn, Liz)- Ch. 3 & 4

You Wouldn’t Want to be an Egyptian Mummy… (Stewart, David Evelyn)

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Treasury of Egyptian Mythology pg. 75-80 (Horus) & 81-86 (Anubis)

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Mummies Made in Egypt (Reading Rainbow)- by Aliki

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Fables & Myths Lapbook

- Egyptian Gods & Goddesses Layer Book: Horus & Anubis

- "My Favorite Fables"  Mini Book- choose 3 or 4 of Aesop's Fables & have your student draw a picture and write the moral on separate pages. Continue this as you read throughout the next few weeks.


* The activity we actually did was from a kit bought off Amazon called Lift the Lid on Mummies. I thought it would make life easier. It was just an okay project. The kids enjoyed it, but if I was to do this again, I would probably use instructions from the Internet for something like How to Mummify a Barbie Doll. The cons of this kit were: the canopic jars that were included were made of paper and were very difficult for little hands to glue together. I ended up doing most of it myself. The same goes for the cat we were given to mummify-- too many little tabs to fold & glue. There was also not enough gauze to mummify the "doll" that was included (which, by the way, was broken when I received it). We did enjoy putting the mummy's organs into the different jars, and I really do think the kids learned a lot about the process of mummification, but I just wish I would have saved my money using items we already had.

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