Click any of the links above to find a Unit Study that I've designed (and usually tried with my own kids) just for homeschool families like you! This is a work in progress, so none of the units are completely finished, but hopefully you can find something you can use with your own family!

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Ancient Times History, Week 6

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Week 6

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3


Ch. 4 “Egyptian Pyramids”

Ch. 5 “Sargon & the Akkadians”


Pg. 116-117

Pg. 113
CC Timeline
Card #5- Egyptians & Card #8- 7 Wonders of the Ancient World

Card #4- Sumer

The Egyptian Cinderella (Climo, Shirley) &
How the Sphinx Got to the Museum (Hartland, Jessie)

Product Details

Product Details
Treasury of Egyptian Mythology- pg. 101-106 (Thoth) & pg. 119-126 (Sekhmet)
You Wouldn't Want to be a Pyramid Builder... (Morley, Jaqueline)

Product Details

Product Details
The Golden Sandal (A Middle Eastern Cinderella Story) (Hickox, Rebecca)

Product Details


Coloring Page 12

Build a pyramid out of Legos- The Activity Book suggests many ways of creating your own pyramid. We went the easy route and used square Mega Blocks/ Legos. It only took about 5 minutes of our time & very little effort, which was exactly what we needed, and plenty to teach the kids about the concept!

Coloring pg. 14 &

Sumerian Seal (AG 21)-
We used a small circle of 1/2" thick modeling clay and molded our own "symbol" using a toothpick. Later we sealed them using a mixture of glue & water and then used the seals as "stamps" on paper with an ink pad. I actually let them make 2 of these and we made one into a necklace, with a small hole at the top of the clay circle in which to thread twine to wear it.

Map Work

Pg. 11

Pg. 13
Fables & Myths Lapbook

- Egyptian Gods & Goddesses Layer Book: Thoth & Sekhmet

 - Venn Diagram: Compare Fables & Myths

Venn Diagram comparing The Egyptian Cinderella & The Golden Sandal


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