Click any of the links above to find a Unit Study that I've designed (and usually tried with my own kids) just for homeschool families like you! This is a work in progress, so none of the units are completely finished, but hopefully you can find something you can use with your own family!

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Human Body Week 8: Blood & the Circulatory System

Human Body Unit Study Home Page

Go Back: Week 7: The Five Senses


Human Body Encyclopedia pg. 26-27 (“Blood”)

Additional Reading:

Product Details


All About Blood Kid’s Health Video

Vocabulary/ Copywork:

Blood carries food and oxygen through the body to all my cells.

Activity 1:

 Kitchen Science: What's inside a drop of blood?


Human Body Encyclopedia pg. 28-29 (“Your Heart”)
My Body pg. 9 (“My Heart”)

Additional Reading:

Product Details Product DetailsProduct Details Product Details
Product DetailsProduct Details


Exploring the Heart—The Circulatory System

Schoolhouse Rock: Do the Circulation

Vocabulary/ Copywork:

My heart is made of muscle that relaxes to let blood in and then tightens to squeeze the blood out again.

Activity 2:

Human Heart Printable Craft to color or paint


Activity 3:

 inflatable heart craft

Activity 4:

Make your own homemade stethoscope. Listen to your friend’s heartbeat.

Activity 5:

Learn about how we get bruises with this simple demonstration.


Activity 5:

My Body pg. 10—Add “My Heart” to wall model as per directions in the book

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