Click any of the links above to find a Unit Study that I've designed (and usually tried with my own kids) just for homeschool families like you! This is a work in progress, so none of the units are completely finished, but hopefully you can find something you can use with your own family!

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Human Body Week 6- 7: The Five Senses

Human Body Unit Study Home Page

Go Back: Week 5: Brain & Nervous System

I have combined weeks 6 and 7, because this topic really takes more than one week, but you can split it up over how ever many days you really want to take.

Additional Reading (Overview)

Read these at the beginning of the week to introduce the topic, or throughout the week whenever you have time. 

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Vocabulary/ Copywork:

The five senses—sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch—work together to tell the brain what is going on around me.

Read (Sense of Sight):

Human Body Encyclopedia pg. 8-9 (“Seeing”)
My Body pg. 36 (“My Eyes”)

Activity 1:



Activity 2:

Pupil Response Chart- Observe each other’s pupils both in a dark room & a light room. Discuss the changes and how our eyes let light in.

Read (Sense of Hearing):

Human Body Encyclopedia pg. 10-11 (“Hearing”)
My Body pg. 37 (“My Ears”)

Activity 3:

Go on a Listening Walk. Use only your ears to explore your surroundings. Draw pictures of what you heard along the way.


Activity 4:

What Do You Hear Game? Place various objects in small plastic eggs, each labeled with a number. Try to guess what is in each egg only by shaking it. Record the number of the object on the recording sheet.

Read (Sense of Taste & Smell):

Human Body Encyclopedia pg. 12-13 (“Taste & Smell”)
My Body pg. 36 (“My Nose”)
My Body pg. 37 (“My Tongue”)


Activity 5:

Blind Food Taste Test: Have someone place a bite-sized portion of several types of foods on a plate (some ideas: apple, potato, cooked pasta, potato chip, cheese, chocolate, lemon). Blindfolded, first smell each item, then taste to see if you can guess what type of food it is. Have someone record your answers.

Read (Sense of Touch):

Human Body Encyclopedia pg. 14-15 (“Touch”)


Activity 6:

Texture Test: Have someone place various objects in brown paper bags (some ideas: sandpaper, feathers, wool, crumpled leaves, sponge). Using only your sense of touch, try to guess what the objects are. Glue a piece of each object onto a picture of a hand. Write describing words such as soft, rough, or bumpy under each.

Activity 7:

My Body pg. 38: Decorate the face to look like your own. Add yarn for hair, then add it to your life-sized wall model.

Activity 8:

“__ Has Five Senses” Craft to review all five senses

Activity 9:


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