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Ancient Times History, Week 13

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Week 13

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3


Ch. 13 “Amenhotep & King Tut”

Ch. 14 “The Baby Moses” & “The Exodus from Egypt”

Pg. 135-137

CC Timeline

Card #18- Israelite Exodus & Desert Wandering & Card #19- Israelite Conquest & Judges

Tut’s Mummy… Lost & Found (Donnelly, Judy)

Product Details

Tutankhamen (Demi)

Product Details


Horrible Histories” video about King Tut on YouTube-- This was so funny to the kids!

Coloring Page 38

Have an Egyptian Party! Wear your costumes & serve Honey-Barley Flatbread with a fruit tray (apples, figs, grapes & pomegranates). (We didn't actually do this activity, but I thought it would be a fun wrap-up to the Ancient Egypt portion of our study.)

Coloring Page 40 & Moses & the 10 Plagues Stickerbook (SP 41-42)

Pg. 39

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