Click any of the links above to find a Unit Study that I've designed (and usually tried with my own kids) just for homeschool families like you! This is a work in progress, so none of the units are completely finished, but hopefully you can find something you can use with your own family!

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Ancient Times History, Week 12

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Go to: Ancient Times History Week 11

Week 12

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3


Ch. 12 “Egypt Invades Nubia”

Ch. 12 “The Hyksos”

Ch. 13 “The General & the Woman Pharaoh”
CC Timeline

Card #11- Kush



Coloring Page 36 & Golden Bracelet (AG 46)-
We painted a toilet paper tube gold. Then we cut out the jewelry from the Coloring Page & glued it on to the bracelet (not it's intended use, but we combined 2 projects into one).

Map Work

Pg. 35

Pg. 37

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