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At just around $20, this all-encompassing teach-me-to-read book was a steal! I used it with my first daughter, who turned out to be a natural reader. It was so easy just to pick up the book, turn to the lesson we were working on and watch her learn. And it's all you need for phonics for several years. It actually helped me, as the teacher, to understand phonics and their order, and taught me some of the basic phonograms I don't remember ever learning. It seemed like so simple of a book that I felt I had to add something to it. So I searched for workbook after workbook but never found anything I quite liked that would go along with it. So I ended up just varying it by ocasionally writing out words, sentences, or stories on a dry erase board or on a Power Point that could be read on my tablet, and by adding games from the Internet.
By the time my second son got to the reading age, I thought I would try something else. He was more of a hands-on type learner and I wanted him to have more "workbook"-y type activities since I would now have 2 to teach. So I ordered Abeka's K5 Letters & Sounds book. I found myself tweaking and twisting the lesson plans for that so much that it wasn't as easy & simple as I had hoped for. And I didn't like the speed and repetition. So I went back to my trusty old Ordinary Parent's Guide. And it's working again. That's what I love about it. They're reading real sentences and books after just a few short months. And you can go as quickly or slowly as each individual child needs. I highly recommend this as a simple approach to teaching a kid to read!
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