Click any of the links above to find a Unit Study that I've designed (and usually tried with my own kids) just for homeschool families like you! This is a work in progress, so none of the units are completely finished, but hopefully you can find something you can use with your own family!

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Cooking Lesson 4: Measuring Tools

We have already learned a lot about the different tools and appliances used in the kitchen. Now we are going to learn about measuring. It is important to be able to measure correctly for your recipes to turn out the right way. 

The first type of measuring we will learn about is measuring "dry" ingredients. Dry measuring cups look like this:

dry measuring cups

Some examples of things we might measure with "dry" measuring cups are flour and sugar. Turn to page 6 in your workbook to read more about dry measuring and to do an activity. Later, we will practice using real measuring cups, but first come back here to read the rest!


Another type of measuring cup we may use is a "liquid" measuring cup. They look something like this:

liquid measuring cup

What do you think we might measure in this?
Now, look at page 7 in your workbook. This explains what a "liquid"  measuring cup is for. Be sure to do the activity on that page, and then also work on page 8 for more practice. Come back to this page when you have done those 2 pages!


The last type of measuring we might do is with Measuring Spoons. These are used to measure small amounts-- either liquid or solid ingredients. They usually come in a set with 4 or 5 different measurements. Do the activity on page 9 to understand how you would use measuring spoons. Then come back here one more time!!


On page 9 we will do some practice with all the cups & spoons to learn about fractions and "conversions." Conversion is when we change our measurements from one term to another (like cups to Tablespoons). It will be important to know how to do this later when we want to cut recipes in half to make less, or double them to make more! Today we will practice with water in the liquid cups and with rice in the dry cups. Be sure you are using your measuring cups the correct way to get an accurate measure. 

After we do this activity, we will really get in some practice by making some banana bread. I will give you a recipe to add to your very own recipe collection.

To print ahead of time:

"Kitchen Measuring" worksheets

Cooking School Fractions Recording Sheet

Banana Bread Recipe

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