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Cooking Lesson 5: A Balanced Diet

So far we have learned how to be safe in the kitchen, and we have learned about a few of the tools and equipment we use to cook. Now, we are going to start learning a little about preparing a healthy meal. Part of being healthy means eating a "balanced diet."

A diet is the usual food and drinks a person consumes (or eats).

A balanced diet means eating the right types of food in the right amounts so that the body gets the nutrients it needs.

There are 7 nutrients in a balanced diet: 

1. carbohydrates (foods like bread, pasta/ noodles & rice)-- These are needed for growth & repair of different body functions

2. proteins (foods like meat, nuts, fish & eggs)-- These help keep your bowels working properly 

3. fats-- yes, some are good for you! Foods like butter, cheese, and oils can help you store energy.

4. vitamins- fruits, vegetables, milk, meat-- many different foods have vitamins we need to make our cells work properly

There are lots of different types of vitamins within this category.
If you look on page 11 in your Workbook, you will see a page that 
tells about some of these types of vitamins, what they do for your body and where you can find them. Look there now, then come back and finish reading. There's no quiz or anything-- I just want you to know!

5. minerals, which are found in food from plants, are also needed for energy to make cell membranes

6. water-- can also give you energy!

7. fiber (found in whole wheat grains/ breads & oatmeal)- makes body chemicals

Here is a little video that shows what you were just reading about:

Now we are going to get in the kitchen. Today we will learn how to prepare a good breakfast, with scrambled eggs, toast & sausage. The sausage is already cooked, but we will heat it up. There's no recipe to follow for this because it's really easy, but I will show you how to do it.

To print ahead of time:
"Eating Your ABC's..."

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